Thursday, January 29, 2009

To Be, Or Not To Be....Completely Truthful???

Ahhhh.....another blog, another day. The funniest thing about this blog to me, is that none of my ''close'' friends know about it. I don't want their biased opinions. I want the opinions and thoughts of people whom I've never seen nor will probably ever meet. I like it this way, at least for now. Moving on though, that was just some random rambling for you. =)

So today I shall wonder and dwell on in this blog, truthfulness. So many people say that you can not be in a meaningful friendship or relationship if you are not honest. I always wonder about that. Do any of us tell any one person in our lives the whole truth and nothing but, day in and day out? Is that actually possible? Or am I just being sinacle?

We've all heard the theory on ''lil white lies'' and how sometimes they're okay as long as we're using them to spare one's feelings. Of course, that never settled with me. I believe to not tell someone something just to spare their feelings is usually more harmful to them then the truth could have ever been. So I wrap my mind in circles on this subject.

So I'll give you my opinion...I believe that it is within human nature to lie at all. Some people lie more than others, of course, but everyone lies in some way, shape, or form. I don't think this is necessarily ''cool'', but I do accept it as a fact in my life. I wonder if I could ever be in a friendship or relationship where I was completely honest. In my opinion thus far, I don't think so. And to be honest, I'm a VERY truthful person...but I don't think I will ever meet one person that will know everything about me. There will always be something I will leave out. And I honestly expect others to do the same to me. I just hope that other people and myself keep the omissions to a minimum is all.

I think some secrets kept to yourself are very healthy...then there are the secrets that do nothing but eat you from the inside out. As we grow we have to learn which secrets are which...then go through the horrible task of deciding who it is safe to tell those secrets that need to be told to. People aren't as trustworthy as they once appeared to be these days. And our economy situation makes this no better. People are at their moral worst in times of crisis the majority of the time.

Sometimes I just want to tell everyone to tell me what it is they need to get out. I honestly wouldn't tell a sole.....honestly, I wouldn't. But the sad part is, majority of people are either to scared you'll judge them or tell other's....or that you'd be a waste to tell because you could never possibly understand where they're coming from....*sigh* My innocent appearances on the outside don't help with this misconception either. Nor does me being a decent looking young white female in America. People assume I must have it better than they do on even my worst day. ( I also wish people would stop trying to weight each others problems to decide who's are worst....every one's problems are the worst things that are happening to them...and just because they're not your problems...doesn't make them any less)

So my question you think you could be completely truthful to any one you think anyone could ever be completely truthful with you? Tell me what you think.